
Monday, March 5, 2018

Creative Low-Cost to No-Cost Ways to Avoid a Break-In    

Think Like a Bad Guy to Deter Burglary

While most folks are familiar with basic home security---things like high-quality locks and a monitored security system---there are numerous creative low-cost to no-cost ways to deter the bad guys. But you have to think like a burglar.  

Consider incorporating some of the following 10 items to help keep your home secure whether you're away for a few minutes, a few days or all season.  
  1. Monitored, closed-circuit cameras are great, but they're also expensive. At a glance, fake cameras can deter criminals, especially kids and other inexperienced thieves.
  2. Stop delivery on mail and newspapers or enlist a neighbor to pick them up daily. Also ask your neighbor to clear your porch of flyers and menus if they're left by solicitors. And don't leave boxes for new items by the curb, particularly electronics. They're like signage announcing "Great Stuff to Steal Inside." 
  3. Keep your landscape neat and grass manicured when you're away. Nothing says you're not home like an uncut lawn .
  4. Install timers on interior and exterior lights and even on your television.
  5. Pretend to say goodbye to someone inside every time you leave to deter anyone possibly casing your home.
  6. Don't leave your ladder outdoors and help a potential burglar gain easier access to an upper entrance or window.
  7. Angle interior mirrors away from the control panel of your security system so as not to offer thieves the opportunity to study your alarm from outside.
  8. Don't list status updates on social media. Nothing announces to the world that you're not home quite like a public online post announcing that you're not home.
  9. Display generic security system signage and decals. But don't use signs branded by the company that monitors your system. Putting a thief in touch with your monitoring company can help them work around your alarm.
  10. Pack up your car before departing on a trip in the privacy of your garage with the door closed. Again, avoid announcing to anyone who happens to see that you're leaving. 
Fortunately, burglars are essentially lazy opportunists. In most cases, it's not your home in particular they're looking to burglarize; it's any home that provides easy access. Give the bad guys a reason to avoid yours, and they likely will. But you have to put on your thinking cap---or in this case, your hoodie and dark glasses---and think like a burglar.  

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