Why Become a Board Member of Your Association?
In Short, for More Say & Better Control Over Your Home. Here's the Long of It:
You have a big financial stake in your community and its common elements, from utilities, security, landscaping, parking and walkways to perhaps a pool, clubhouse, golf course and more. As a board member of your homeowner association, you can help ensure that these elements are properly maintained and that rules and bylaws are followed, and reap the benefits of experiencing what essentially is a better sense of belonging to the community in which you live.
As a board member, you will:
Help Protect Your Property by being in a position to better implement rules that preserve and increase home values and foster resident pride throughout the community.
Help Correct Problems by having first-hand access to the systems and protocols that only the board has. You won't be reporting that item in disrepair to the board and hoping someone hears you; instead you'll be facilitating the repair directly.
Meet More of Your Own Expectations again by being in a position to directly facilitate what you perhaps wanted from your community when you first moved in, and that you found isn't the case after having lived there.
Gain Better Understanding of the Rules and Bylaws by working with them regularly.
Have Fun and Gain a Better Sense of Belonging by meeting residents and helping to resolve their issues, and initiating events and other items that help neighbors have fun and enjoy living there.
Gain Leadership Skills and Build Your Resume if you're relatively new to the working world.
Now is the time to volunteer or run for a principal position. Give it a shot. You'll never look back!