How To Prevent Auto Theft
Did you know that according to NHTSA data, Florida is one of the nation's leading car theft states?
If you don't want a criminal sitting behind the wheel of your car, you need to educate yourself on how to prevent car theft.
Virtually no one thinks they'll be the victim of an auto theft, until it's too late.
Below are 7 things to remember to prevent car theft from happening to you.
1. Valuables don't belong in your vehicle.
One of the main reasons cars get broken into is because valuables are left. Be sure to never leave any valuables in your car and if you absolutely need to, be sure to cover them up or throw them in the trunk so it is not visible.
2. Park intelligently.
Parking close to building entrances and near parking lot security cameras adds extra layers of protection, even while parking in a well-lit area.
3. Secure your vehicle.
Whenever you park your car, even in your own driveway, always remember to close and lock the windows/doors to help prevent car theft. Especially in this Florida heat, try to resist leaving those windows cracked.
4. Keep track of your keys.
Many people make the mistake of hiding a spare key under the wheel or some other place under their car. This is a simple way for criminals to easily gain access to your keys and therefore take your car.
5. Don't leave your car running.
Did you know that more than a third of all vehicle thefts occur near the car owner's residence? This is why being aware of your surroundings is important and even if you are in a rush, be sure to bring your car keys with you at all times when leaving your vehicle.
6. Take advantage of a tech-based auto recovery tool.
Employing an auto-theft recovery tool could help you get your car back before it's ruined. Systems like OnStar use GPS technology to pinpoint your vehicle and transmit that information to law enforcement. This is a good investment to look into.
7. Use a physical anti-theft device.
About 40% of insurance companies offer a premium discount for vehicles that have an antitheft device. These devices go a long way toward car theft prevention. Physical anti-theft devices include vehicle immobilizer systems that prevent thieves from hot wiring your car.