10 Reasons to Serve on Your Community's HOA Board
"Who me? Run for the HOA board?"
Think board membership isn't for you? Think again. Being a part of your HOA board and directly effecting change in your community can be awfully appealing and offers a real sense of belonging. As a member of your HOA, you'll:
1. Protect property values and maintain quality of the community
2. Correct specific problems such as parking and maintenance issues
3. Give back to your community and to your neighbors
4. Better socialize by meeting your neighbors and making friends
5. Possibly advance your career and build your resume
6. Better fill your time and have fun taking part in a large, positive project
7. Educate yourself on the many facets of running a community association
8. Express yourself and design creative solutions to residential issues
9. Earn recognition and satisfaction in a job well done
10. Take pride in your community, the place in which you live and where you derive pleasure, comfort and security
Give it some thought. You might be just who is needed to take your community to the next level. Yes you!